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Web Ninja Support
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How to Resync an Order
"My order didn't import into my Accounting package"
If an order doesn't import into your accounting package, you can always resend the order. Note: there could be other reasons why it's not importing, but this is worth trying before you look further, or even log a ticket.
Why don't I receive emails from the website anymore?
If your order confirmation emails, or other admin related emails from the site have stopped - this is most likely due to the fact your email server or server-side anti-spam (eg. Spamcop, Barracuda, Panda) have blocked or denied emails from our server. Once this happens, you ne...
New Paypal setup
If you've purchased Webninja's integration with Paypal's latest version, (including the option for "Pay in 4") There's a bit of setup involved and you'll need to wait for Webninja to notify you when the module has been activated on your site as you won't be able to fo...
Product Image Requirements
Our sync will allow for product images to be in the following formats:
.jpg, .JPG, .JPEG
.gif (The site will convert it to a jpg once uploaded)
Please Note: while we don't import images that are in .webp format, we do make every attempt to convert your i...
Google Tag Manager - How To Add a Script to Your Site
Some 3rd party tools and plugins may require you to add a small snippet of script to your site to embed their tool or application to your site (eg. chat applications, pop-up modules etc.) and Google Tag Manager (GTM) makes this very easy to implement without even need...