This article we guide you through setting up the MPGS payment gateway integration. Note this can currently be set-up with Commonwealth Bank's CommWeb and Bendigo Bank
You will need the email from CommWeb that provides you with the following:
URL: https://paymentgateway.
Merchant ID
Operator ID
The password is usually sent in a second email and must be changed on the first login.
Go ahead and login. The example screenshots below are for CommWeb
In the navigation menu, navigate to Admin>>Operators and create a new account for webninja and populate and tick the following fields:
Next, logout and then log back in with the webninja account and go to Admin>>Integration Settings and click edit to generate a new password. You must generate both Password 1 and Password 2. Give your Web Ninja contact Password 1.
Finally, you will need to generate the Notification Secret. To do this, click on Admin>>Webhook Notifications. Update the Webhook Notifications to 'Enabled' and then click on 'Generate New Secret'. Give this secret notification to your Web Ninja contact.
You also need to set the Notification URL so the MPGS system will be able to notify our system that the payment was successful.
The url can be found by going to your site's CMS, clicking on Payment Methods under the Configuration heading (in the left-hand menu):
Then editing the MPGS settings and browse to the Notification Secret field - below it will be your site's specific Notification URL.
It will be in the format of something like this:
NOTE: without this notification url, you will not have orders created when customers make payments and you will start receiving complaints from customers about money paid with no corresponding order.
To summarise, you will need to give you Web Ninja contact the following:
Merchant ID
Password 1
Secret Notification
*** Note that when testing the gateway in Test Mode, the client must be conduct 20 transactions using the test credit card details found here for CommBank:
Commbank Integration Guide for testing
*** Also note that you will need to repeat the process with the live gateway details i.e. create a new API password and notification secret with the live merchant account.
The live gateway will look like this: