The image gallery, or slider, that displays on your homepage is the best way to get news, specials, new product & services info directly to your customers.
Most customers have a few questions about how these work, so let's answer some of these:
How do I add images?
1. log in to the admin area
2. Select Content > Galleries on the left-hand menu
3. On the Galleries page, select the items link to adjust the gallery you want.
4. On the next screen, you can add new images, delete images and change the sort order of the current gallery.
5. To add an image, click the Add New Gallery Item button.
6. On the Add Gallery Item page, the Gallery dropdown should be left as the default. Select the Choose File button to select a file from your local computer and click Open.
7. Once you've added the image you want, you can add a caption to the image. This enables text to be displayed even if the user has images turned off in their browser.
8. If you'd like the customer to be able to click on the image and take you to a page you can add a link by selecting the link type from the drop-down.
9. Once you've completed the settings, click Save Page
How do I delete images?
1. log in to the admin area
2. Select Content > Galleries on the left-hand menu
3. On the Galleries page, select the items link to adjust the gallery you want.
4. On the next screen, you can add new images, delete images and change the sort order of the current gallery.
5. Click the Delete button on the item you'd like to remove from the gallery
6. You will be asked to confirm the deletion on the next page. Click Delete Gallery Item to confirm the removal of the image.
I've added my images and they look stupid!
One trick to preparing and editing your images for the gallery is to ensure they are all EXACTLY the same pixel dimensions. What does that mean you might ask?
All images on the screen, just like in print, are a certain measurement across and a certain measurement in height. To stop any distortion when the images transition between each other the images must match in pixel size.
So hypothetically, if the first image is 900px wide and 400px high - you need to make all the other images in your gallery the exact same width and height.
If you were to make one image 900px wide and 400px high, and the next 960px wide and 350px high - the page would jump around while inserting the 2nd image, and the right-hand side of the 2nd image would be cut off - you definitely don't want that! Consistency is the key!
For responsive sites (the content resizes based on screen, device size - and mobiles move content around to fit easier on a mobile screen) - this is even more relevant!