This guide will take you through setting up the Fishbowl ODBC driver.
Step 1: Install the MySQL ODBC driver 5.1 or later
Step 2: Configure the ODBC driver
Once installed, go to c:\windows\syswow64\odbcad32.exe to set-up the ODBC driver
Configure as per below:
- Data Source Name: wn_fishbowl
- Description: Web Ninja ODBC Driver
- Server: localhost
- Port: 3305
- User: gone
- Password: fishing
- Database name: [the Fishbowl database name]
Important Note: The Fishbowl database always uses this username and password for the import.
Click on 'Test' to make sure the connection is succesful. If it isn't, most likely the server and/or port number is incorrect.
Step 3: Send the following details to your Web Ninja contact:
- Data Source Name
- Server Name
- Port Number
For further info & details and links to instructions for pre 2017 Fishbowl installs - please go here: