The orders sync status (Write Order) may show red and the orders may display an error message after a Sybiz upgrade.
The error message in the diagnostics may look something like this:
Sync error: System.Exception: Incorrect database or application version at WebNinja.SybizIntegration.Handler.Connect(Task task) at WebNinja.SybizIntegration.Handler.ProcessCreateObjectTasks(CreateObjectTask[] sybizCreateObjectTasks, Boolean ssl, String host,
System.Exception: DataPortal.Fetch failed (Invalid Common Connection) at WebNinja.SybizIntegration.Handler.Connect(Task task) at WebNinja.SybizIntegration.Handler.ProcessCreateObjectTasks(CreateObjectTask[] sybizCreateObjectTasks, Boolean ssl, String host, String key)
If the Sybiz upgrade is big enough (or the upgrade between the previously installed version and the newer version is a big enough gap) there are a couple DLL files we use that may need to be updated to match. This is just a simple case of backing up the current DLL files in the Webninja install folder, and copying the same files from the Sybiz versions folder for the relevant version.
- On the server where Webninja is installed - go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Web Ninja\ - and look for the two Sybiz .dll files (Sybiz.Vision.Module.Coordinator and Sybiz.Vision.Platform)
- Disable/stop the Webninja service
- Create a backup folder within the Webninja folder and copy those two files into the backups folder. You can do this by adding ".bak" at the end of the file name. For example, Add .bak at the end of the file name (e.g., example.txt becomes example.txt.bak).
- Browse to the Sybiz versions folder - typically found at c:\Program Files\Sybiz (not to be confused with the 32 bit folder "Program Files (x86)" )
- Open the version that matches the currently installed version of Sybiz:
- and look for the same two dll files (Sybiz.Vision.Module.Coordinator and Sybiz.Vision.Platform):
- Open the version that matches the currently installed version of Sybiz:
- Paste them into the Web Ninja Folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Web Ninja) and restart the webninja software.
Go back to the admin and try to re-sync the failed order. If you don't know how to do this, then follow this article - My order didn't import into my accounting software
This error could also mean that too many users are logged into Sybiz. Try logging people out of Sybiz and try re-sync the order again.
If you are still getting an error and the order isn't syncing. Please contact Web Ninja support