This feature uses the in-built 'Shipments' section in MYOB Advanced and allows you to convert orders in the Web Ninja admin area to the status of 'Shipped' whilst also notifying the customer of the consignment number.
To give an order a consignment number, create a "Package" for the shipment and then insert the tracking number into the Tracking Number field.
NOTE: this is the only field we can import from as there is no CMS configuration for changing which field to use for the consignment number.
Next, configure this module by navigating to the 'Shipped Orders' module in the Web Ninja admin area. Configure as per the screenshot below and leave the 'Consignment Number Field' set to None. At the time of writing this, we can only link the tracking number from a Package.
The Web Ninja system will import the tracking number of an order, based on the shipment status you select.
The order will be updated to 'Shipped' in the Web Ninja orders list allowing you to send the customer an email, notifying them of the updated order status and the tracking number.