Congratulations! You now have a live integration between your accounting software and your new Web Ninja website.
This guide will take you through the features that you'll find in the top navigation bar in the admin area of your website.
If you haven't already read the guide, you may want to check the Online Ordering - Left Sidebar Menu Items Guide for further reference and a guide on the menu items found in the left sidebar area of the admin area.
You'll first need to log in to the admin area to use this guide. Your Web Ninja project manager will send you your login details. If you haven't received the link, username and password, contact your project manager for these.
The login link usually looks something like this:
You'll be sent an access code each morning when you log in for the first time. Check your spam or junk mail folder if you don't see an email with the subject 'Your access code' in your inbox.
Once you've logged in, you'll see the Web Ninja logo in the black navigation bar in the top left. This guide will take you through the menu items you see in this bar, starting with the 'Orders' menu just to the right of the logo.
1. The Orders, Customers and Products menus on the left side of the navigation bar control the settings of the integration between your accounting software and the website.
In these menus, you can change the way the website integrates orders, customers and products with your accounting software.
1.1 Orders - Links you to a list of all orders that have been created on your site. You can filter the list of orders using keywords, statuses, dare ranges and payment methods.
1.2 Sync Settings - Links to a page that displays the configuration settings to sync an order from the website back to your accounting software. You'll find elements that are unique to your integration on this page and it's not recommended to change any of the settings on this page until guided by your project manager.
2.1 Customers - Links you to a list of all the customers that currently have an account on the website. You can filter the accounts using the 'Keywords' field and the 'Customer Type' drop-down menu.
2.2 Types - Displays the current list of customer types that your customer accounts can be segregated into. Your customers will usually default to the 'Normal' customer type and if you have purchased the sales rep module, you'll also see 'Salesrep' and 'Master Salesrep' customer types. These two customer types are used by the sales reps in your team.
2.3 Sync Settings - Links to a page that displays the configuration settings to sync a customer from your accounting software to the customer list on the website. You'll find elements that are unique to your integration on this page.
Show on Web Field - Select the attribute field against your customer to flag a customer to import to the website.
Show on Web Value - Insert the value that you've used to flag the customer in the nominated attribute field. Note that your project manager will guide you on the value to enter into this field.
Send Emails - When this is set to 'Yes', the customer will receive the 'CUSTOMER_SYNC' email confirming their login details to the site. You should only set this to Yes after being guided by your project manager. The email that is sent to the customer is the 'CUSTOMER_SYNC' email found under the Email Content menu item in section 2.1.
3.1 Products - This page displays a list of all of your products that have synced from your accounting software to the admin area. Note that a product that is displayed in this list will need at least a top-level category before it is displayed on the site.
3.2 Categories - This page displays the category structure that your products have been categorised in. The top-level categories will be left aligned and the sub-categories will be indented under the top-level category.
You can edit the name of the category by clicking on the 'Edit' button. The 'Products (3)' text tells you how many products are allocated to that category.
3.3 Sync Settings - Links to a page that displays the configuration settings to sync products from your accounting software to the customer list on the website. You'll find elements that are unique to your integration on this page and it's recommended not to change any of the settings on this page.
The Content, Sync, Help, Modules and Store menus on the right side of the navigation bar give you more options to configure some of the features on your site.
4.1 Email Content - Under the 'Content' menu, you'll find a link to your Email Content. On this page, you can click on each individual email that is sent from your site and edit the default template.
Note that the emails that are sent from your site are sent as plain text emails. There is currently no ability to add html content to each email.
4.2 Colours - You can configure some of your website's colours in the content section of the admin area. Click on 'Content' in the navigation bar and then select 'Colours' from the drop-down list.
5.1 Status - The 'Sync' menu in the navigation bar allows you to manage the frequency of each task that runs between the website and your accounting package's database. Click on Sync and then select 'Status'.
Each task in the list has already been set at the optimal sync frequency however you can make some changes to the sync schedule by clicking on the button on the right and selecting 'Change Schedule'.
You can click the very top button and hit 'Sync Now' to run all the tasks manually. If you don't select this option, the tasks will run in the background automatically for you so you can go away and grab that cup of coffee that you love and let the Web Ninja software do its thing!
5.2 Settings - Links you back to some configuration options that dictate the connection between your accounting software and the website. Don't change these settings unless instructed by your project manager.
Google Drive - Links to a page where you can select image folders set up in your Google account. If you don't see this link then your images are linked to the site in another way.
6.1 Videos - There are some videos in the 'Help' section in the black navigation bar located in the header. These videos will help guide you through some of the common features of your online ordering site.
The 'Modules' menu gives you access to some of the modules that are built into your site.
7.1 Captcha - Displays the type of captcha used on the forms on your site. This will have already been configured for you so no need to make any changes on this page.
7.2 Order Templates - This page displays a full list of all order templates that have been created on the site, including admin created templates and customer created templates.
7.3 Coupons - The 'Coupons' section gives you the ability to create coupons for the website.
7.4 Quotes - This page displays a list of all of the quotes created by customers on the site.
The 'Store' menu gives you quick access to view the site, adjust some of the settings and add more admin users.
8.1 View Site - Links you to the front end of the website
8.2 Settings
In this section you can configure your shop name, country, time zone, date format, currency, ABN (if applicable), address, phone and store email addresses. There are also other features for setting the shipping methods, meta information and checkout terms. For a more detailed guide on some of these features, please see the other articles in this section or search by name in Zendesk.
You can upload your logo and configure your website's settings in the Store Details section of the site. Locate the 'Configuration' section in the left sidebar of the admin area and click on 'Store Details'.
8.3 Users - Allows you to create up to 5 admin users. When you add a new user, you can set them as an Administrator or Standard user. Currently, the only difference between the two types of accounts is that an administrator can create new admin users whereas a standard user cannot. If you need to add additional users, please contact your Project Manager or Web Ninja Support.
9.1 Profile - Links you to your user account's profile. There is an option on this page to switch to the Google Authenticator for two-factor authentication if this is your preferred method of access.